Sunday 26 February 2012

Portfolio task 1

The table presents the sales at a small restaurant in the second week of October from 7-13 in America. Overall, the sales for lunch and dinner increased gradually over the first five days. In this report, I will briefly explain the information provided in this table.

It is clear from the table that the sales for both lunch and dinner rose in the first five days, which is from Monday to Friday. On Monday, the lunch sales were 2400 and 3623 for dinner. Then, on the second day, the sales for lunch grew to 2450 and the dinner to 3850. On Friday, both sales increased sharply and fell to 1950 for lunch and 2900 for dinner at the weekend.   

In conclusion, it can be seen that there was an increase in sales from Monday to Friday. However, the sales for both lunch and dinner decreased dramatically at the weekend.

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