Thursday 26 April 2012

Task 3

To be healthy eaters, people should be aware enough to know the needed food for their health.  However, many believe that healthy food is not the only way to have a healthy life. In this essay, I will discuss the argument of both sides.
We cannot deny that healthy food prevents people from becoming obese. Diet helps in reducing risks like heart diseases, diabetes and blood pressure. Also, eating healthy food has a great impact on humans. It will help people to have a deep sleep and enjoyable live. In addition, people who avoid eating unhealthy food will have the possibility to live longer. For instance, many people in China and Japan live longer than the other people of other countries because they avoid any type of food that has fat.    
On the other hand, some people think that improving their eating style is not only concentrated on diet. They consider eating healthy food as being deprived from the other pleasurable food.  For instance, if someone wants to eat a dinner with his family, he will not enjoy eating with them if they don’t serve healthy food. Another argument is that eating balanced meals without doing exercise will not have any improvement in your body. For example, doing exercise and following diet will have a positive effect on the mood of the person.  
 In conclusion, our society would be healthier if people had the knowledge about what they need to eat. In my opinion healthy food is not the key to a healthy life. Exercise, diet and being positive are the main factors to have a better life. 

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