Wednesday 6 June 2012


Student’s Name:     Saleh Ali

ID:  H00161084

Course name:  ENGL N264

Section: CEL

Teacher name: Mr. Hedley

Date of submission: 6-6-2012

Introduction about Microsoft:
Today everything in the world is controlled by computers which usually have some programs, if , created by the greatest computer program corporation company in the world, Microsoft Corporation. Therefore, besides Apple, they are one of the most successful companies in the computer programs is Microsoft Corporation. They were established in Washington, the United Stated of America, in April 4th, 1975. Now, it is widely considered to be the leading corporation company in computer business in all over the world.
The company is motivated by and inspired with the idea of creating innovations for its potential customers by developing its program regularly to meet the expectation of the global market. There are mainly eight divisors in the business of Microsoft Corporation which can be categorized as the online service division, server and tool business, Microsoft Business Solutions, Microsoft office division, Interactive Entertain Business, Windows Phone division, Windows and Winnows Live division, and Skype.  Microsoft changes its organization from time to time to challenge the other rivals such as Google and Yahoo.

Internal Departments:
 In addition, there are a number of high positions in Microsoft such as the top executive roles, including the President, Vice -President and secretary. In 2010 the company opened the Division Department in order to meet the different needs of the work such as the customer services division, the product division, the sales division, and the goods division. Each division developed itself as an independent part of Microsoft Corporation organizational strategy. 

Moreover, there are a lot of goals to achieve in Microsoft Corporation. First of all, the company seeks to reach the peak of development in the computer products and programs. Secondly, it works to meet customers’ satisfaction and expectations as a leading company in computer programming. Thirdly, it tries hard to create an interactive environment for technology for learning and working at home, in order to exceed the present commercial barriers.

The beginning of Microsoft was the BASIC program in 1975 in the United States of America. In the following year Bill Gates hired the employees for the company to start the business with Microsoft as a corporation company in 1976. A year later Bill gates shared his organization with Paul Allen in 1977. The beginning of Microsoft in Operating System Business was in 1981.The main mission of Microsoft is to help it’s the customer get their ultimate needs from the technological usage of the computer programming, by providing them with the best services via updating the programs and improving the products. Such mission makes all of the people around the world trust the products of Microsoft.  It is also one of its aims to keep in contact with the customers to keep track with their expectation in order to achieve the greatest customers’’ satisfaction. 

Conclusion and Recommendations:                         
It is known by everyone in the world that the best computer programming company in the world is Microsoft Corporation due to its massive contribution in the computer programs in all over the world. It is recommended for anyone who would like to start his business to follow the Microsoft model in success. It is important to know also that money is not the only motivation in the business but there are other motivations such as the job entertainment.  

1.       Wills, M. (n.d). Microsoft's organization and structure . Retrieved from
2.    Mohammed, U. (2004, April 25). Microsoft’s mission statement . Retrieved from’s-Mission-Statement
3.    Robert. (2005, June 23). Company information. Retrieved from

Tuesday 5 June 2012

Task 6

Task 6

       It is a good idea have the same currency all over the world. It will be easier for the people to deal with other people with a similar currency. There can be no doubt that the trade and travel will be much easier. As everything has advantages, it also has disadvantages.

      There are many advantages of using a single currency which can been seen with the use in Europe of the Euro. And the US dollar is working in most of the countries and accepted. Also, in the Arab Gulf countries there is not really a single currency but the dirhams are accepted in Kuwait as in Qatar and the same for the others countries with the difference in the exchange rates. By accepting the currency union it is making the world as a small village or as one country.

 But on the other hand, there are a lot of disadvantages. Firstly, most of the countries will not accept that idea because it will affect their finances. Secondly, all countries are in different states. Some countries are economically very strong and some are in a state of weakness in the economy which can’t help the global currency, which will lead to economic crises . 

In conclusion, I see the currency union as a good idea in some countries like the Arab Gulf countries because they are similar in many ways and in their finances but not with all the countries.

Task 5

Task 5

The line graph shows the number of visitors to Australia by overseas residents between 1975 and 2005. In addition, the table illustrates the number of visitors in millions. Overall, the highest number of visitors were from Japan.

It can be seen clearly that the number of visitors from Japan was 3.2 million in 1975. This number increased by three times in 2005. The second highest number of visitors was from South Kouth. They reached 9.1 million in 2005 compared with 2.9 million in 1975. China and the USA had almost the same number of visitors to Australia which is 0.3 million in 1975. As we can see from the line graph, the number of visitors increased gradually over 30 years. The total number of visitors was 30.4 million in 2005.

In conclusion, it is clear that the number of visitors from five countries grew. Therefore, visitors to Australia rose between 1975 and 2005.

Thursday 26 April 2012

Task 3

To be healthy eaters, people should be aware enough to know the needed food for their health.  However, many believe that healthy food is not the only way to have a healthy life. In this essay, I will discuss the argument of both sides.
We cannot deny that healthy food prevents people from becoming obese. Diet helps in reducing risks like heart diseases, diabetes and blood pressure. Also, eating healthy food has a great impact on humans. It will help people to have a deep sleep and enjoyable live. In addition, people who avoid eating unhealthy food will have the possibility to live longer. For instance, many people in China and Japan live longer than the other people of other countries because they avoid any type of food that has fat.    
On the other hand, some people think that improving their eating style is not only concentrated on diet. They consider eating healthy food as being deprived from the other pleasurable food.  For instance, if someone wants to eat a dinner with his family, he will not enjoy eating with them if they don’t serve healthy food. Another argument is that eating balanced meals without doing exercise will not have any improvement in your body. For example, doing exercise and following diet will have a positive effect on the mood of the person.  
 In conclusion, our society would be healthier if people had the knowledge about what they need to eat. In my opinion healthy food is not the key to a healthy life. Exercise, diet and being positive are the main factors to have a better life. 

Tuesday 24 April 2012

task 4

As is known the education style has changed between ages we; have two varieties, namely competition and cooperation. In contrast we have opinions; some people agree with competition and others support the cooperative style. Both of them help to develop the education. In my opinion we can’t spilt them.

To create a competitive environment is very challenging for all teachers; by competition we can create a spirit of perseverance. By competition we can build a hard-working community .There is a lot of impact of competition on the children. For example self-dependence when he faces difficulty in the schools; also competition helps the children in the private life. By competition we can create intelligent engineers, clever scientists and genius economists. On the other hand by competition we can spread hatred between children. In addition some children have limited skills so by competition we can’t help them.

In contrast the other people believe in cooperation and they have a lot of reasons to support their views. For example by cooperation we can create a community which respects the views of others. In addition, cooperation helps to develop the children’s skills. The important point for cooperation is it helps the children to share the knowledge. On the other hand by cooperation we will lose the self-dependence element.

Finally, in my opinion we can’t split them because both of them are important. If we combine competition and cooperation we will get a good community and we will reflect all the skills.

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Task 2

The two bar charts show the reasons why students study according to their age and the support they get from employers in the UK.

    According to the data provided, each person, either old or young, has different objectives. The highest figures were among people under 26. 80% of the under 26 study for their career. They were more interested in order to get jobs. From age 26-29, the percentage of students decreased to 70% for career. However, the percentage of students attended for interest increased by 5%. Although the support went down for this age group who they still got more support than the others. The percentage of students who studied for interest stopped at 70% for the age group who are over 49.

    In summary, young people study to get employed and in the future, they will study for interest.


Sunday 26 February 2012

Portfolio task 1

The table presents the sales at a small restaurant in the second week of October from 7-13 in America. Overall, the sales for lunch and dinner increased gradually over the first five days. In this report, I will briefly explain the information provided in this table.

It is clear from the table that the sales for both lunch and dinner rose in the first five days, which is from Monday to Friday. On Monday, the lunch sales were 2400 and 3623 for dinner. Then, on the second day, the sales for lunch grew to 2450 and the dinner to 3850. On Friday, both sales increased sharply and fell to 1950 for lunch and 2900 for dinner at the weekend.   

In conclusion, it can be seen that there was an increase in sales from Monday to Friday. However, the sales for both lunch and dinner decreased dramatically at the weekend.